
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Giveaway! Triple Moon Hand Painted Altar Tile!

Spring is right around the corner so I decided to have a giveaway in it's honor. The item I'm giving away is my Triple Moon altar tile which I sell in my shop Sage Art. During spring we honor the Goddess in her maiden form as she represents the fertile earth. On this altar tile is a purple triple moon representing the maiden, mother and crone which has green vines circling around it to represent the growing and fertile earth. All of this is painted on a violet background. This altar tile would look great on an Ostara altar!

To enter simply leave a comment telling us what your plans are for the upcoming sabbat, Ostara. Please be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you are the winner! Good luck to everyone! I will announce the winner this Saturday.


  1. I love that alter tile, it's in my two favorite colors!!!! For Ostara I'm going to be participating in a day time ritual with my friends coven.

  2. what an amazing way to introduce us to a new etsy shoppe! I love this tile! I am a solitary witch and as such celebrate alone. I will begin this weekend by putting away the last of my winter "decorations" and begin bringing out the Daffodils, spring flowers and reset my altar with bright colors and lots of candles. On that beautiful day, I will celebrate the return of Persephone and Demeter's release on the Growing Season! Blessed be and much love! My name is Deb (Sunshine Fae) and my email address is!

  3. I will be spending the day getting aquainted with the small bit of woodland surrounding the house we just moved into.

  4. I will be celebrating at a large Ostara celebration in Milwaukee with other pagans and those of like minds. It will be a joyous event. After getting back to the woodlands and just enjoying the coming of spring in nature itself <3

  5. PS my email address is *sorry forgot to add to first post

  6. This is a beautiful tile! I am in charge of decorating for my church, so I am working on an Ostara tree and an ornament decorating table so everyone can make their own to add. We have egg dying, an egg hunt and stories for the children. We have a wonderful ritual along with a potluck for everyone. Coming home I will be changing the winter decorations for spring. But most importantly for me, this will be the first pagan event my significant other will be celebrating with me as well as the first Ostara for my mom. It is a very special day for me this year. One I will never forget!


Thank you so much for your comment! I appreciate your support! Many blessings to you )O(