
Friday, August 24, 2012

Winner of Mabon Incense from Old World Witchery!

Thanks to everyone who entered! and the winner is......Arlene Fritz! Congratulations! Thank you to Melissa for donating her magical incense. Enjoy your Mabon incense Arlene!  I hope everyone had fun playing. Check back for the next giveaway!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Giveaway! Mabon Incense from Old World Witchery

This months giveaway comes to us from Melissa at Old World Witchery. She has graciously donated her Mabon incense in honor of the upcoming Sabbat. I had the chance to speak with Melissa, here's what she had to say:

1. Please tell us a little about your magical business. 
One of my favorite things to do is blending incense from fresh herbs,resins, and essential oils. It is such a magickal and spiritual act for me, and I decided to open an Etsy shop devoted to just that - handblended ritual incense and oils created with intent and only using certified organic ingredients. Most of my blends are created during corresponding lunar phases, depending on the purpose of the blend. Any blend for a specific deity is done in ritual, especially if it is a blend for Hekate.

Every ingredient I use is carefully selected due to it's magickal and/or healing qualities and planetary correspondences, again depending on the purpose of the blend. I don't always select ingredients that "smell pretty"; ritual incense, in my opinion, is used to lend power to your rites and using appropriate ingredients is very important to me.

All work is done in a section of my kitchen reserved just for this ~ the kitchen truly is the heart of the home, and it such a magickal place in my own home because of the time spent in there not only cooking, but working magick. We tend to move every few years due to my husband's job, and the kitchen is always the first room in the new house that is purified and blessed (and, of course, Hekate takes Her place at the threshold, as well!).
 2. Do you have a favorite product or products that you make?It's hard to pick one favorite product as I love them all, but I think my "Purification" incense blend is my most favorite to blend and burn. It has so much positive energies imbued in it, and I love the aroma.

3. Please explain the item you are giving away.
The Harvest Resins were created with natural tree resins and blended with a touch of honey and pumpkin pie scent, and colored in autumn colors using natural ingredients. Autumn is my most favorite time of the year; I love the golden colors of the trees and leaves and the scents of pumpkins and spice is very comforting to me. So much so that my home is scented like that pretty much year round! I enjoy making seasonal resins in this manner; it's fun to do and my younger children enjoy helping, too!

Now for the rules to enter. Go to Melissa's shop, find a few products that you like, and come back here to comment on them. Please be sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you if you are the winner. The giveaway will last for one week, at which time I will announce the winner. Also, for extra credit, check out Melissa's Facebook Fan Page and become a fan! Good luck to everyone who enters! Thank you to Melissa for donating her lovely Mabon incense!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Waning Moon, Dark Goddess Incense

Now is the time of the waning moon, a time of letting go and banishing negativity from your life and yourself. A time to shed your old skin, and prepare for the new. A time to forgive lost expectations and to let go the negative people and things in your life. One of my favorite quotes, from William Shakespeare, reads "Expectation, is the root of all heartache." When we expect things, and certain actions from people, we become hurt when those expectations are not met. This a time for forgiveness to the people who have caused you pain, and to forgive yourself. A time to move on and a chance to start fresh again. The phases of the moon are similar to that of the sun. The sun rises each day with the promise of rebirth. As the waning and dark moon prepare you for renewal, at the new, waxing and full moon.

 As much as I love all of the moons phases, the waning and dark moon deeply resonate with me. Usually dark Goddesses are prayed to on these moon phases. Goddesses such as Hekate and The Morrigan. Each of these Goddesses can be called upon for matters of letting go, banishing and learning to fight our inner battles. I always like to make a special incense for the particular Goddess I'm working with when doing any kind of spellwork or specific rituals. It helps you to connect with the energies you want to incorporate into your ritual, as well as to connect more with the energy of your particular Goddess.

Here are two of my favorite waning moon incense recipes for the Goddesses I have listed above:

Myrrh resin, Black Nightshade, Rue, Bay leaf, one drop Cypress essential oil.

The Morrigan: 
Dragons blood, Angelica root, Basil leaf, Juniper berries, one drop Patchouli essential oil

Ground up the resins and the herbs as much as you can, mix in a bowl, then add the drop of essential oil, mix again thoroughly, now your incense is ready to burn. Use a charcoal block to burn your incense, and if you have some left put it in a bottle or bag and label it for next time. If you don't have all of the herbs listed, you can always use substitutes.

Wishing you all a blessed waning and dark moon!

Photo courtesy of