
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Book Review: Hekate Keys to the Crossroads

Hekate is part of the pantheon of Goddesses I pray to. She also happens to be one of my favorites! I started working with this wise and ancient Goddess not all that long ago, and I quickly fell in love with her energy. Hekate is often a misunderstood Goddess because she is a dark Goddess. So I decided to learn everything I could about this Goddess to better understand her darkness.

I found this book titled : Hekate, Keys to the Crossroads by Sorita D'Este, and I really enjoyed reading it! The first part of this book gives you a little background on the Goddess, and then the rest of the book, is actually stories of real people who are priests and priestesses of Hekate. The stories are basically about each persons journey to find Hekate, and how they found her. They then go on to talk about their relationship with the Goddess, and you'll notice that each person has a different relationship with her. Some of these authors even give you small rituals to Hekate, that they have performed themselves. I really liked this style of book, because you can see how real people interact with the Goddess, and also how they worship her. This can help you with your own rituals and interaction with her.

There are poems, pictures and recipes in this book as well. It's a great read with alot of information and I highly recommend it. She also has a few other books which I plan to read, about Artemis and Morrigan. Check out this book and learn about the great Goddess of the crossroads!

Blessings )O(

Monday, June 21, 2010

Litha, Summer Festival of the Sun

Today marks the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. Also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice, from now until the autumn equinox the days will be getting shorter. Litha is a celebration of the great solar diety's , the ocean and the growing crops. This is the time of year where we swim in her oceans and bathe in her warm sunlight. Where her flowers are in bloom, and her animals are pregnant with life.

At Midsummer, we call on Aphrodite Goddess of love, or Domnu Goddess of the sea. Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of love, brings you the passion and warmth of the sun. Many Goddesses of love are prayed to at this time of year, to help bring fertility to crops, people and animals. Call on her for passion in your own life, or ask for her passion to be given to your plants for growth.

Domnu, Goddess of the sea, represents the great flowing of our emotions, and teaches us to open up to our emotions, so they flow freely. Her name means "Abyss of the Sea", and she is a Celtic Goddess. She teaches us to be true to ourselves and to not be afraid to express what we feel. She is also known as The Lady of the Lake and Lady of the Holy springs and wells. Her animals are the whales, dolphins and salmons of the sea.

On your altar at Litha, you'll want to have different representations of the sun. Think of colors like yellow, orange and red. For example, you could have an orange candle, with yellow and red stones like citrine and red jasper. You could also go to the ocean and gather some salt water for your altar to represent the flowing ocean. Sea shells are also good for this sabbat as well.

Try at some point during Midsummer, to go outside and feel the warmth of the sun, if you can try to have your ritual outside. Enjoy your Summer Solstice celebration!

Blessings )O(

For more info on Litha check out

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Goddess Temples of Malta

Located off the coast of Italy, this little Mediterranean island was once home to an ancient Goddess worshiping culture. The island was inhabited in approximately 5200 BC, by a highly developed neolithic people. The great temples of Malta, are some of the oldest free standing structures known, and are part of the UNESCO World Heritage sites. The temples themselves date to about 3000 BC.

There have been remains of about 50 temples on the island of Malta. In these temples, artifacts of pottery, bones, figurines of women and signs of fire have been discovered. At some point, it is said that red ochre covered some of the walls in these temples. You can imagine, in the ancient time in which these temples were used for ritual, how beautiful it must have looked. Red walls with lit candles, Goddess sculptures and statues fill the rooms, small altars with offerings, and priestesses dressed in white flowing dresses worshiping her great presence. The most famous of these temples is the Ggantija temple, with its curved walls in the shape of a woman. Very obviously a representation of a great mother Goddess.

The well known "Sleeping Goddess of Malta" figure, was found in the temple Hal Saflien. It is also said, that at the Mnajdra temple complex, some of the stones are aligned with the sunrise on the winter and summer solstices , and also the spring and autumn equinoxes.

The culture in Malta was matriarchal, and lived very peacefully for many years. At some point around 2300 BC, the temples were mysteriously abandoned. Later, in around 2000 BC the island was inhabited by a bronze age culture.

The ancient peoples and temples of Malta fascinate me. Thanks to archaeologists like Marija Gimbutas, we have had the opportunity to learn about our ancient Goddess worshiping ancestors.

Blessings )O(

For more info on Malta check out : and also Carnaval

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins today

Today starts the month of the Oak tree on the Celtic calendar. It goes from June 10 - July 7. This is a great time for magic concerning protection, strength and success.

The Oak was one of the three sacred trees to the Druids. Although it was actually their primary sacred tree, the others were Ash and Thorn. The sacred Oak is one of the longest living trees, and can also grow up to 150 ft tall. It symbolized the turning of the year and was considered to be the king of the forest. Many cultures worshiped the Oak, but the Celts held it with a very high degree of reverence.

During this time of year, it is said that the Druids would carve a circle into the tree for protection against lightning. They used the sacred tree for medicinal purposes and divinatory purposes as well. Ancient Celtic priestess's were said to listen to the rustling of the Oak leaves to receive divine messages.

When my fiance and I visited Ireland, we got to explore the ancient Oak forest at Charleville Castle. This forest surrounds the castle on all sides. Walking among these huge sacred trees was a great experience. You could really feel the ancient energy these trees carried. The forest was quite except for a few birds chirping and some leaves rustling in the wind. Very haunting and mysterious place this was. While there, I pondered the thought, that maybe one day long ago, the ancient Druids walked these forests as well.

Celebrate the sacred Oak tree at Midsummer, if possible try to visit an Oak tree and connect with it's ancient energy.

Blessings )O(

Photo courtesy of : My personal photo album of Ireland

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rhea, Great Mother of the Gods

There is a famous myth associated with Rhea, although you don't really ever hear much about her, you always hear of her husband, Cronos, and one of her sons, Zeus. This famous myth is about the birth of her children. Her husband Cronos, heard a prophecy that he would be taken over by one of his children. In hearing this, he decided to swallow each one them as soon as Rhea gave birth. Finally, when Rhea had enough of this, she decided to give birth to her youngest son, Zeus, in secret on the island of Crete. When she returned to meet Cronos, she handed him a rock dressed up like an infant, and he swallowed it.

Rhea was the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, and mother to Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Aides, Poseidon, and Zeus, some of the most popular Gods and Goddesses in myth. She is known to have been worshiped in different variations around the Mediterranean, and was associated with the Goddesses Hecate and Cybele. Rhea was originally a Cretan Goddess, and since Zeus was born there, they were both seen as sacred.

She was seen as an earth Goddess, a mother Goddess, and the mother to all the Gods. She kept all things in balance and kept the flow of life in her hands. In ancient art, she was portrayed on a throne with two lions at her side. Much like the Anatolian Goddess, Cybele.

To honor the Goddess Rhea, honor your mother earth, and help keep the balance in your own life flow naturally.

Blessings )O(

Check out for more information on Rhea

Picture courtesy of